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Warranty & Service

Products covered by this limited warranty

All genuine ADDASOUND products obtained from ADDASOUND, authorized distributors, and retailers of ADDASOUND are covered in this limited warranty.

How to acquire warranty service

Please contact ADDASOUND if you need to acquire warranty services in a country or region other than the one you bought your ADDASOUND products in. You can also consult your regional authorized distributor for relevant warranty services in your location. The warranty period is subject to what is stated in the country or region where you obtained your ADDASOUND products. Terms of warranty (including this term), availability of service, and responsiveness of service may differ in different countries or regions. The standard response time for warranty services will be adjusted according to the availability of local replacement parts. Please contact your local qualified ADDASOUND service provider for more details. The information listed below must be provided when acquiring warranty services. Proof of purchase is clearly marked with a name, address, purchasing date, product category and model number. Without proof of purchase, the warranty period will start from the date marked on the product. The product which needs to be repaired.Name of the end-user, name of the company (if applied), and contact details listed below: mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number.A straightforward illustration of the problem.

Warranty period

The warranty period starts from the purchase date. (Without proof of purchase, the warranty period will start from the date marked on the product.) Please refer to the original ADDASOUND package or the user information provided at purchase to see the specific warranty period for your product.

Terms of Repair/Replacement

The warranty period after repair or replacement is the remaining time of the original warranty period. Once a product or a component is replaced, the replacement will become your property while the ones being replaced will become properties of ADDASOUND. Under rare circumstances, problems can occur to your product and may not be repairable or replaceable by ADDASOUND. A product of the same performance or an equivalent will be provided by ADDASOUND to replace your product. This is the exclusive remedy you will obtain for the defective product. During the warranty period, the end-user should bear the fee of delivering the defective product to ADDASOUND and other locations allocated by ADDASOUND (if it is not prohibited by local legislation).

How do we solve problems?

During the warranty period, if you issue a notice to ADDASOUND or the partners of ADDASOUND and return the product to ADDASOUND the way stated in the Terms of Repair and Replacement, it is ADDASOUND's decision that the product proven to be defective (material-wise or process-wise) should be repaired or replaced.ADDASOUND will use:

  1. brand new products/parts/components, or secondhand products/parts/components that are of the same performance and reliability as brand new ones;

  2. products/parts/components that are of the same performance and reliability as original discontinued ones.

This limited warranty does not cover:

  1. Products used in call centers that are not designed for call centers.

  2. This Warranty does not cover defects or damages that result from:

  • misuse or abuse, accident or neglect, such as physical damage (cracks, scratches, etc.) or change on electronic pressure

  • inappropriate or unauthorized installation/wiring/repairing/testing;

  • conduct not included in the user guide.

  • The above conduct will invalidate your warranty.

   3. This Warranty does not cover damage due to improper operation, maintenance or installation, or attempted repair by anyone other than ADDASOUND or an ADDASOUND dealer who is authorized to do ADDASOUND warranty work. The above conduct will invalidate your warranty.

   4. Products in the following situations: a) serial number or the label of the production date is removed or modified; b) product with shell or components other than ADDASOUND’s. The above conduct will invalidate your warranty.

   5. Limited-life consumable components are exempt from warranty, including but not limited to (unless found unusable or defective at purchase):

If a malfunction of consumable components and accessories occurs within 14 days of purchase date, it is considered to be defective at purchase; term of repair/replacement applies.

Limitation of warranty

According to this limited warranty, the highest responsibility of ADDASOUND is bound by the price you paid for the product, or the lower price paid to repair or replace product or components under the condition of normal use. Other than the statements above, ADDASOUND is not responsible for any losses caused by product or misconduct under any circumstances. ADDASOUND is not responsible for any third party or claims you make for a third party. This restriction in limited warranty would apply to contractual claims, IP invasion claims, and infringement claims (including negligence and strict product liability). No one can cancel or modify this liability limitation. This liability limitation is still valid even if you have informed ADDASOUND or ADDASOUND's authorized representative of that potential loss or loss. This liability does not apply to personal injury.

Exceptions and limitation

ADDASOUND has not made any other promises in written form or by verbal, and ADDASOUND declines all other assurances that are not included in this limited warranty.

Jurisdiction of this warranty

This limited warranty is administrated and explained under the jurisdiction of the original purchase country. To consumers, the terms in this limited warranty cannot be exempted, restricted or modified within the law, except your Mandatory legal rights.

Other legal rights that may be present

The legal rights stated in this limited warranty could be different from country/region to country/region. Some countries/regions do not allow for restrictions in warranties or exemptions. Hence the limitations above may do not apply to you. Please refer to local law to make a fully informed decision.

Contact Us
Skalhuse 5, DK-9240 Nibe, Denmark
Skalhuse 5, DK-9240 Nibe, Denmark
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